Director Namoc, in his pronouncement, acknowledged the effort and commitment of the Regional Agriculture Engineering Division’s (RAED) ABEMIS team and the National Urban and Peri-Urban Program of the region (NUPAP) in the project implementation, being recognized as first and fifth place, respectively in the over-all national ranking.

He also shared that the implementation of targets based on the budget execution documents 1, 2 and 3 (BEDs 1, 2 & 3) have challenges and reasons, adding that making reasons of non accomplishments must be avoided. However, Director Namoc also recommended to make strategies that will fit or align in accomplishing the target. The catch-up plan, he said must be realistic which is the most challenging.

Elvin Milleza, DA7’s Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (PMED) presented the rationale of the review.