IN PHOTOS | The Department of Agriculture-Central Visayas (DA7) through the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (PMED) conducted recently a Technical Writeshop on the Formulation and Development of Project Concept Notes (PCN) at a venue in Cordova, Cebu.
The 4-day writeshop, attended by some 30 DA7 personnel from the different operating and implementing units, was aimed to enhance their knowledge and skills on project development, with focus on the formulation and preparation of a PCN.
Using the SWOT analysis tool, the participants were asked to identify and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the identified priority commodities, to include banana (lakatan), upland vegetables, swine and yellow corn.
The identified SWOT will be used in the formulation of a project concept notes.
Resource Persons (RP) were the representatives of the Technical Secretariat of the DA-Wide Project Clearinghouse System, Sherry Dawn S. Prieto and Kristine Mercado.
The topic on Financial Sensitivity Analysis was discussed by Albert Lopez of the I-REAP Component of the Philippine Rural Development Project.