PRDP news | The construction of the Php18.3-million processing facility for the Bohol Cassava Production, Consolidation, Processing and Marketing Enterprise in Barangay Katipunan, Carmen, funded under Department of Agriculture- Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Additional Financing 2 (AF2) is now 91.37 percent complete, following an inspection of the facility last March 19, 2025.
The inspection, which was jointly conducted by the Department of Agriculture- Philippine Rural Development Project Regional Project Coordination Office 7 (DA-PRDP RPCO 7), Project Support Office-Visayas, and PPMIU Bohol, validated the accomplished work and also explored means to fast-track the implementation to meet the target completion by April 2025.
According to Engr. Rustom Avenido, the Rural Infrastructure Engineer for I-REAP Civil Works of DA-PRDP RPCO 7, the inspectorate team recommended on additional human resources.
The cassava processing facility aimed to address the input supply and processing constraints of the cassava industry in the province of Bohol.