Regional Executive Director Angel C. Enriquez presided a Management Committee (ManCom) meeting today

Department of Agriculture – Central Visayas (DA-7) Regional Executive Director Angel C. Enriquez presided a Management Committee (ManCom) meeting today (March 22, 2024), at her office in Mandaue City, to discuss the status of the 1st quarter implementation targets of the banner programs on rice, corn, livestock, high value crops, organic agriculture, urban and peri-urban continue reading : Regional Executive Director Angel C. Enriquez presided a Management Committee (ManCom) meeting today

The Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers in the region (PSABE7) in partnership with the Department of Agriculture-Central Visayas (DA7) held its first regional convention

The Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers in the region (PSABE7) in partnership with the Department of Agriculture-Central Visayas (DA7) held its first regional convention last March 15-16, at a venue in Cebu City, bearing the theme “Elevating Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering through Sustainable Innovations towards a Greener and Food Secured Central Visayas Region”.DA continue reading : The Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers in the region (PSABE7) in partnership with the Department of Agriculture-Central Visayas (DA7) held its first regional convention

IN PHOTOS | Some forty (42) personnel of the Department of Agriculture- Central Visayas (DA7) participated in the two-day writeshop on the preparation and publication of the 2023 annual report incorporating gender-lens and fair language from March 19-20, 2024, at a venue in Cebu City.The 2023 Annual Report will bear the theme “Tingusbawan” from the continue reading :

Research Division

The Research Division plans and carries out researches on agricultural crops and livestock which have or may have economic value in Central Visayas. This division is mandated to ensure that all agricultural researches is coordinated and undertaken for maximum utility to agriculture. It is charged with developing regional agricultural research plans and priorities in accordance continue reading : Research Division

Caravan of Government Services

IN PHOTOS | The Department of Agriculture in Central Visayas (DA7), led by Marina Viniegas, DA-7’s Agricultural Program Coordinating Officer-Cebu (APCO Cebu), joined in the Caravan of Government Services of Cebu Province in Bogo, Cebu today, March 20, 2024, providing technical assistance and services.Personnel of DA7 offered free agricultural consultations on insect and pest diseases, continue reading : Caravan of Government Services

Regulatory Division

The Regulatory Division complements and supports the National Agriculture Regulatory Programs which aims to ensure the quality of Philippine agricultural products to be within the domestic and international standards relative to client and consumer acceptability and health and safety through registration, licensing and accreditation and issuance of certifications, permits, licenses and the like, including monitoring continue reading : Regulatory Division

Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Division (AMAD)

A market-driven and private sector–led agribusiness sector ready to face the challenges of intensified global competition and able to contribute to the growth and progress of the economy leading to an improved quality of life for the Filipino people. SErvices offered