IN PHOTOS | Some 11 farmers’ cooperatives and associations (FCAs) in the province of Negros Oriental attended the three-day training on Financial Management and Value Chain Analysis held last April 2-4, 2024 at a venue in Dumaguete City, conducted by the Farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation (F2C2) Program of the Department of Agriculture-Central Visayas (DA7) .
These FCAs, which were identified by the banner programs as cluster groups were endorsed to the F2C2 to be part of this year’s cluster targets. Among the FCAs who participated in the training were the Bacong Small Coconut Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BASCOFADCO), Siaton Cluster 2, Santa Catalina Cluster 1, Basay Veterans Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Ayungon Cluster 1, Jagna Nagbalaye Agrarian Reform Cooperative, Punong Cangmatnog Association, Zamboangita Small Coconut Farmers MPC, Organic Farmer Practitioners Association in Bayawan City (OFPRAB), Pula Agro-Forestry Farmers and Workers Association and Pula Potato Vegetables Farmers Association.
Representatives from the cluster groups were trained on Simplified Financial Management, General Accounting (Book Keeping), preparing Financial Statements, discussions on Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow, and Statement of Owners Equity with speakers from the DA-Philippine Rural Development Project Regional Project Coordination Office (DA PRDP-RPCO7).
The said training aimed to capacitate and train the farmers and fisherfolk clusters towards effective and efficient leadership, good governance, and development of entrepreneurial skills to operate a sustainable business enterprise.