To assess the competence of the Bohol Participatory Guarantee System Association (BPGSA) as an Organic Certifying Body (OCB), the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (DA-BAFS), in coordination with the DA-Central Visayas (DA7) Organic Agriculture Program (OAP), conducted a witness audit from March 11-13, 2025 in Batuan and Ubay, Bohol.
The BPGSA Peer Review Committee, who were the five core members duly accredited by BAFS, conducted a peer review process to farmer-member Dionisio Palingcod, Jr. owner of Palingcod Agricultural Farm (PAF) located in Rosariohan, Batuan, Bohol, who applied for PGS certification in beekeeping scope.
Another area subjected to peer review was the SS Mushroom Farm owned by Silvia Mendez, located in Ubay, Bohol, applying for PGS certification with scope on mushroom production.
The DA-BAFS audit team observed the BPGSA peer reviewers as they conduct actual farm inspection, review of records, and assess their compliance to the the BPGSA Manual of Operations (MOO), and its Internal Standards (IS) and the requirements set by the Philippine National Standards (PNS).
Both farm owners said that having a Participatory Organic Certificate has an advantage in the market, as it guarantee the consumers that their farm produce and inputs were compliant to the requirements of OA.
Among the witness audit observers were the DA-BAFS team, led by Vicente Limsun Jr and Vera Ysabel de la Cruz, representatives from the BPGSA Certification and Management Committee, personnel from the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist-Bohol, and staff from the DA-Provincial Agriculture Technology Coordinating Office-Bohol, Agricultural Training Institute-7, and from the DA-OAP.