Rice farmers from San Miguel, Bohol received agricultural inputs from the Department of Agriculture-Central Visayas (DA7), funded under the DA-Rice Program.

Agri inputs distributed include inorganic, bio-fertilizers, and soil ameliorants discount voucher amounting to P 2,937,153.00.
Of these inputs, 643 rice farmers received inorganic fertilizer worth Php 1,728,016.00; 637 farmers received bio-fertilizers amounting to Php 714,077; and 579 farmers received soil ameliorants (chicken manure) worth Php 495,060.00.
The roll out of these fertilizer discount vouchers (FDV) was for the cropping season 2024-2025, to help the farmers in their fertilizer needs for their rice production. Farmers will present the vouchers to the partner merchants, who were also at the venue.
The distribution of FDVs were facilitated by the DA-PATCO-Bohol Rice Program staff, in partnership with the Local Government Unit of San Miguel through the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist and the partner merchant, the San Miguel Farmers Agrivet Supply.
The FDV roll out will continue until Friday, March 28, 2025. Next week, the team will be at another municipality as venue of distribution.